Frequently Asked Questions

How does TROVO work?

Virtually any culture condition including co-culture (for example, T cells and tumor cells) for up to 36,000 conditions. Each indexed well can be imaged at desired timepoints, including at initial seeding to provide visual confirmation of single-cell clones.

Microwell-based capture mode employs creation of micron-sized wells to enable high-throughput, long-term cell culture experiments.

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    Cell culture plates with Enrich hydrogel are loaded into TROVO.
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    Using a patented, light-based microgel lithography and LCD dynamic mask, TROVO can create up to 24,000 custom microwells of any size and shape in a 6-well culture plate.
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    Wells are visually identified and indexed for downstream data collection and analysis.
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    Cells are then seeded into the wells, imaged, and allowed to culture for up to weeks. During incubation, additional cells can be added to test functional interactions and phenotypes.
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    Each indexed well can be imaged at desired timepoints, including at initial seeding to provide visual confirmation of single-cell clones. Indexed images can be analyzed to provide cell kinetics and more accurate profiling data to identify the best functional phenotype.
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    Following visual identification, TROVO can capture and maintain viability and functionality of the desired cells for downstream applications including NGS and single-cell genomics/transcriptomics analysis. Undesired cells are simply aspirated away from the captured cells.

Free space capture mode enables you to capture and select the cells you want using an open selection tool with Enrich hydrogel. With this mode, you have the flexibility to perform positive, negative, and free form selection.