the Best
Retrieve individual cells or organoids from microwells based on phenotype

A high performance microculture encapsulated in a cell-friendly hydrogel bubble for retrieval
User-defined, AI-based algorithms
enable automated selection
Cell segmentation and counting using Enrich basic software or A.I. enabled Cell Profiler© and Cellpose3 extracts temporal behavior data for each microwell.
User-adjustable algorithms rank microcultures based on behavior.
A user-selectable number of microwells are then captured in a cell-friendly gel bubble.
Selected cells are then retrieved for sequencing, enrichment or additional live screening.

A TROVO brightfield image of breast cancer cells in a microwell after hours or days of growth

Boundaries of individual cells are segmented using the deep learning ability of CellPose3

Multiple fluorescent channels distinguish cell types in the micro co-cultures

Automated analysis extracts T cell potency, proliferation and other criteria for the best cells

The user chooses the best cells for retrieval using 3D printed protective bubbles and a plate wash